Relief on a water basin from Ashur, Assyria, 704–781 BCE. A diety is flanked by priests wearing fish robes. Currently in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Photo by J. Nitschke.

The Ancient Near East Today (ANE Today) is ASOR’s open-access digital platform for public scholarship, disseminating the latest research, insights, and news about the ancient Near East and beyond. Free to everyone, ANE Today constitutes an important part of ASOR’s mission to encourage public understanding of the cultures and history of the Near East from earliest times until today.

At the core of ANE Today are short, informative articles by emerging and established scholars discussing a variety of topics related to the ancient world. These articles are aimed at non-specialists, providing the public, students, and researchers alike with snapshots of the latest research and thinking about the ancient world. The geographic scope is broad, covering the region from the Atlantic to Afghanistan and anywhere that ancient Near Eastern materials and culture have made an impact. 

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ANE Today Staff and Contact Details:

General Feedback and Queries:

Editor: Jessica Nitschke

Assistant Director: Marta Ostovich


ANE Today Editorial Advisory Board

Hanan Charaf
Jennie Ebeling
Norma Franklin
Becky Martin


Interested in contributing to ANE Today? Articles are typically invited by the Editor. However, if you are an expert or emerging scholar and have an idea for a topic that you think would be of interest to our readers, feel free to contact the Editor to discuss your idea. Read more about our publishing policies on our Terms of Use page. 


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