ANE Today 2023 index

Volume 11 articles

Abo-Eleaz, Mohy-Eldin E. — The Harsh Life of Diplomatic Messengers in Egypt in the Late Bronze Age

Abo-Eleaz, Mohy-Eldin E. — How Did the Kings of the Late Bronze Age Deal with Rumors?

Al-Rashid, Moudhy — Heartbreak and the History of Distress in Ancient Mesopotamia

Arabzadeh Sarbanani, Morteza — The Book of Esther as a Source for Achaemenian History

Barbu, Daniel — Who Invented Idolatry?

van den Berg, Martine — Who Knew? Uncovering Unexpected Histories in the Southern Levant

Bienkowski, Piotr — The Emergence of Edom: Recent Debate

Brody, Aaron — Maritime Viewscapes and the Material Religion of Levantine Seafarers

Budin, Stephanie — Gender in the Ancient Near East and Egypt

Carlson, Reed — Are Possessions and Other Spirit Phenomena Depicted in the Hebrew Bible?

Cline, Eric — Tree Rings, Drought, and the Collapse of the Hittite Empire

Cole, Sara — Exploring the Book of the Dead through the Getty Collection

Cooper, Julien — The Earliest Mention of the Placename Sinai: The Journeys of Khety

Cradic, Melissa — Archaeological Laborers of 20th-Century Palestine

DeCasien, Stephen — “Proto-Rams”: Piecing Together the Early History of Naval Ram Development

Derricourt, Robin — Absences, Archaeology, and the Early History of Monotheistic Religions in the Near East

Dijk-Coombes, Renate — Ceremonial Standards in the Visual Culture of Early Mesopotamia

Düring, Bleda — The Remarkable Rise of Assyria: A Reassessment

Ferrándiz, Emilia Mataix — A Sea of Law: The Romans and Their Maritime World

Franklin, Kate — Archaeology of the Silk Road: What Lies Ahead?

Friedman, Matti — A Virtual Visit to Tel Dan

Gonçalves, Carlos — Cuneiform Mathematics: Outstanding Techniques in a System of Texts

Gries, Helen — The Ishtar Gate of Babylon: One Monument, Multiple Narratives

Higgins, Michael Denis — A Reverse History of the Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria: From the Underwater Remains to the First Structure

Karlsson, Mattias — “The Egyptian,” King of Moab

Konstan, David — “Sin”: The Hidden History

Kowalewska, Arleta and Craig A. Harvey — Baths of the Roman and Byzantine Southern Levant: Roman Ideas and Local Interpretations

Lacovara, Peter — The Meaning and Symbolism of Swimming-Girl Spoons from Egypt

Langin-Hooper, Stephanie — A Girl’s Helping Hand on the Journey to the Afterlife: Alabaster Ishtar-Aphrodite Figurines from Seleucid-Parthian Babylonia

Larson, Katherine — Dig Deeper: Revisiting the Excavations of a Glass Workshop at Jalame el-Asafna

Messina, Vito — The Salt Traders of Seleucid Babylonia

Mieroop, Marc van de — Before and After Babel

Mull, Jörg — What Can Mythological Narratives Tell Us About Mycenaean Long-Distance Trade in the Bronze Age?

Nitschke, Jessica — A Letter from the Editor

Nitschke, Jessica — Ten Exciting Discoveries in Near Eastern Archaeology in 2023

Önal, Mehmet et al — The Başbük Rock Wall Panel: Serving Empire, Honoring Syro-Anatolian Gods

Peleg-Barkat, Orit and Gregg E. Gardner — Horvat Midras (Israel): A Window into Socio-Religious Change in Rural Palestine

Pratt, Catherine — Oil, Wine, and People: A Mediterranean Triad

Price, Campbell — Achieving Divinity: “Golden Mummies of Egypt” at Manchester Museum

Rafii, Raha — Digitizing Manuscripts from Southwest Asia: Access, Ethics, and Sustainability

Ramsay, Jennifer — The Wheat from the Chaff: What We Can Learn from Studying Plants in Antiquity

Rowan, Yorke M. — Beyond the Fertile Crescent: Life in the Black Desert

Sanders, Seth — Who Really Invented the Alphabet?

Sapir-Hen, Lidar and Deirdre N. Fulton — Dogs as Part of the Social Fabric of Iron Age Settlements

Squitieri, Andrea and Mark Altaweel — How Empires and Cities in the Ancient Near East Accelerated Wealth Inequality

Tobolowsky, Andrew — The Myth of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

Velentza, Katherina — The Maritime Transport of Sculptures in the Ancient Mediterranean

Westwood, Ursula — Moses in Josephus’ Antiquities: Between Jewish and Greek Traditions

Whitehouse, John and Sami Harize —Local Communities and Archaeological Sites: A Case Study at Dougga in Tunisia

Zago, Silvia — The Egyptian Conceptualization of the Otherworld

Zangger, Eberhard and Serdal Mutlu — Putting the Luwian Culture on the Map

Zias, Joe — The “Tomb of Absalom”: The Earliest Judeo-Christian Place of Pilgrimage in Jerusalem

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