Achieving Divinity: “Golden Mummies of Egypt” at Manchester Museum
March 2023 | Vol. 11.3 By Campbell Price An international touring exhibition “Golden Mummies of Egypt”, consisting of 107 objects from Manchester Museum, has recently returned
The Earliest Mention of the Placename Sinai: The Journeys of Khety
February 2023 | Vol. 11.2 By Julien Cooper Well before Moses ascended “Mount Sinai” and received the revelation from God, Egyptian officials penetrated the rugged vales of the
Decoding Tutankhamun: Understanding the Tomb and its Treasures
November 2022 | Vol. 10.11 By Peter Lacovara As the world celebrates the centennial of Howard Carter’s discovery in the Valley of the Kings, one often repeated observation is, in
The Neo-Assyrian Empire and Egypt
August 2022 | Vol. 10.8 By Mattias Karlsson The Neo-Assyrian empire, with its center along the river Tigris in northern Mesopotamia, controlled large parts of the ancient Near East
Ancient Egyptian Food Prohibitions
August 2022 | Vol. 10.8 By Youri Volokhine The topic of food prohibitions in ancient Egypt may be viewed from two perspectives, the Egyptian theological view about licit or illicit
Decision Making and Leadership in Egyptian Warfare
july 2022 | Vol. 10.7 By Anthony Spalinger Anyone studying foreign relations faces clear-cut obstacles, the sharpest being the antithesis between routine conduct and extraordinary
Comparing the Civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Early China
March 2022 | Vol. 10.3 By Marissa Stevens “Well, you’re just comparing apples to oranges!” has often been shouted during a heated argument as an attempt to invalidate metapho
Dreams of Early Ancient Egypt
February 2022 | Vol. 10.2 By Kasia Szpakowska If time travel were possible, we could simply ask Ancient Egyptians about their dreams. Instead, we must make do with the scant record
Violence of Gender and Gender of Violence in Ancient Egypt
February 2022 | Vol. 10.2 By Uroš Matić Violence and gender were closely related in ancient Egypt, just as they have been in other past and contemporary societies. Gender systems
Ancient Egyptian Texts for the Afterlife?
Ancient Egyptian funerary texts have been a source of fascination since their discovery. But do these texts describe a coherent vision of an afterlife, or is that a 19th century ac