Person, Place, and Object: Ritual Healing in Roman and Late Antique Palestine
October 2024 | Vol. 12.10 By Megan Nutzman Malaria, battle wounds, pregnancy, scorpion stings, sciatica: these are just a few of the medical concerns that regularly appear in ancie
Heartbreak and the History of Distress in Ancient Mesopotamia
July 2023 | Vol. 11.7 By Moudhy Al-Rashid The concept of “heartbreak” appears multiple times in cuneiform texts as a metaphor to describe both mental and physical conditions. H
Ancient Egyptian Food Prohibitions
August 2022 | Vol. 10.8 By Youri Volokhine The topic of food prohibitions in ancient Egypt may be viewed from two perspectives, the Egyptian theological view about licit or illicit
Dreams of Early Ancient Egypt
February 2022 | Vol. 10.2 By Kasia Szpakowska If time travel were possible, we could simply ask Ancient Egyptians about their dreams. Instead, we must make do with the scant record
The Medico-Magical Squill
January 2022 | Vol. 10.1 By Maddalena Rumor Penetrating the deepest meaning of a word allows our brain not only to make sense of the idea it conveys, but also to disentangle relate
Royal Illness in the Bible and the Ancient Near East
The Exodus from Egypt was a foundational event for the Israelites. But where exactly did they cross the ‘Red Sea’? Scholars have debated this question for centuries, as have ma