ANE Today 2024 index

Volume 12 articles

Abo-Eleaz, Mohy-Eldin E. — Ancient Near Eastern Rulers and their Delegations in 18th Dynasty Egyptian Tombs

Arabzadeh Sarbanani, Morteza — How Did Cyrus the Great Die?

Cline, Eric H. — Resilience and Rebirth: Lessons Learned from the Aftermath of the Late Bronze Age Collapse

Creamer, Petra M. — Death as a Stage for Performing Identity in the Assyrian Empire

Demetriou, Denise — Phoenician Trade Associations in Ancient Greece

Eliav, Yaron Z. — Jewish Experiences in the Roman Bathhouses of Judaea/Syria Palaestina

Erickson, Amy — A Minor Biblical Prophet Lives Again—Among the Dead

Fawkes, Glynnis — From Words into Pictures: Adapting 1177 B.C. for Comics

Frumin, Suembikya — No One Thought to Ask The Fruits: Revealing Philistines’ Traditions

Gregoricka, Lesley A. — Is it Ethical to Continue Excavating the Dead in the Ancient Near East?

Harl, Kenneth — Migrations and Invasions: How Steppe Nomads Shaped the Near East

Herdrich, Peter — Digitizing Cultural Heritage: Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices

Howland, Matthew H., Kersel, Morag M., Osborne, James F., and Yorke M. Rowan – (Re)Visiting The Past In The Present: The Power Of Place And The Malleability Of Monuments

Magness, Jodi  — Jerusalem and Charlemagne

Moreno García, Juan Carlos  — Understanding Trade and Power in Early Egypt: A Geopolitical Approach

Naether, Franziska — Osiris Must Die – Understanding the Practice of “Menacing the Gods” in Ancient Egyptian Magic

Pioske, Daniel — The Hebrew Bible and the Meanings Ruins Hold

Sheppard, Kathleen — Crucial Labor: The Overlooked Contributions of Women in Western Egyptology

Strootman, Rolf — Cleopatra’s Languages

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