My Meeting with Mellaart or, Dutch Cigars and the Case of the Missing Wall Paintings
April 2021 | Vol. 9.4 By Alex Joffe As a young and arrogant graduate student in the 1980s I had a way of barging in unannounced on famous archaeologists. So it was in 1987 or so th
Condemning Statues
April 2021 | Vol. 9.4 By Simon Connor The summer of 2020 gave us the occasion to observe a phenomenon as old as the hills and yet more witnessed than ever in the current climate: t
Excessive and Deviant Consumption in the Hebrew Bible
April 2021 | Vol. 9.4 By Rebekah Welton Food and drink permeate biblical texts. This is unsurprising considering all human beings eat and drink, and since production and processing
Sheshonq (Shishak) in Palestine: Old Paradigms and New Vistas
April 2021 | Vol. 9.4 By Felix Höflmayer and Roman Gundacker Pharaoh Sheshonq I (c. 943-923 BCE) is traditionally viewed as the founder of the 22nd Dynasty, which, due to the king
Reading Inscriptions Alongside the New Testament
April 2021 | Vol. 9.4 By D. Clint Burnett Inscriptions, messages engraved on durable materials, play an important but underappreciated role in our earliest Christian documents, inc
Commemorating Jesus: Constantine’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre
March 2021 | Vol. 9.3 By Jordan J. Ryan Since antiquity, Christians have travelled to the region that they call the “Holy Land” in order to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and
Visualizing Ancient Athens in 3D
March 2021 | Vol. 9.3 By Dimitris Tsalkanis Today Athens is a city of some 3.75 million people, a far cry from antiquity. Ancient Athens 3D is an effort to digitally reconstruct
The (Historical) Origin of God
March 2021 | Vol. 9.3 By Theodore J. Lewis When a historian of Israelite religion talks of the origin of God, she certainly doesn’t mean ontology. Proofs for the existence of God
A Cosmic Impact and the Beginning of Farming at Abu Hureyra in Syria
March 2021 | Vol. 9.3 By Andrew M.T. Moore Towards the end of the last Ice Age a group of hunter-gatherers settled at Abu Hureyra in the Euphrates Valley in what is now Syria. The
Genderbending Performances in Wartime: From Judges to Judith
February 2021 | Vol. 9.2 By Jacob Wright At the ancient biblical site of Achziv, 15 km north of Acco, archaeologists discovered what became known as the Tomb of the Horsemen. Depo