Neo-Assyrian Deportation and the Levant
February 2021 | Vol. 9.2 By Jonathan Valk At the height of its power in the 8th and 7th centuries BCE, the Neo-Assyrian state could truly call itself a universal empire. It exercis
Eggstraordinary Objects
February 2021 | Vol. 9.2 By Tamar Hodos In the interconnected world of the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Egyptians, ostrich eggs were coveted by elites across the Med
The Last Empire of Iran
February 2021 | Vol. 9.2 By Michael R.J. Bonner In 330 BCE, Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian imperial capital at Persepolis. This was the end of the world’s first great
The Enigmatic Tablets from Late Bronze Age Deir ‘Alla
January 2021 | Vol. 9.1 By Michel de Vreeze On April 1, 1964 Henk Franken and his Leiden University based team stumbled upon two clay tablets. Two days later a third tablet was fou
Sinai in Ten Maps
January 2021 | Vol. 9.1 By Ahmed Shams Can ten maps sum up the history of an ancient land mass? Moreover, can they tell us about the region’s future? Determining where humans se
Saqqara in 3D: A New Look at an Ancient Site
January 2021 | Vol. 9.1 By Elaine Sullivan The Saqqara cemetery, located about 15 kilometers south of the Giza pyramids, is one of Egypt’s most spectacular tourist sites. Modern
Fish Sauces – The Food that Made Rome Great
January 2021 | Vol. 9.1 By Benedict Lowe Recent research has done much to stress the importance of fish in the ancient Roman diet. But there were many ways to consume fish. The mos
A Calendar in Stone: Hittite Yazılıkaya
All cultures have calendars. Some also make stone monuments. Hittites’ stone calendar included depictions of some of their thousands of gods.
The Greek Alphabet: Older Than You May Think?
March 2019 | Vol. 7.3 By Willemijn Waal The Greek alphabet is often considered to be the first ‘true’ alphabet, from which all modern alphabets are derived. So why does it look
The Cross: History, Art and Controversy
The Christian cross is a ubiquitous symbol today, but actual images of the cross were uncommon in Christian iconography before the mid-4th century.