Cyprus and Ugarit: A Tale of Two Late Bronze Age Mercantile Polities
Cyprus and Ugarit were two very different societies but in the Late Bronze Age, they shared a vital maritime and mercantile link that had a transformative impact on Cyprus.
Processing Geospatial Data in Archaeology: Introducing LuwianSiteAtlas for Bronze Age Western Anatolia
Archaeological field projects generate an immense amount of data. How can we use digital technologies to make complex geospatial data more useful for researchers?
From Words into Pictures: Adapting 1177 BC for Comics
April 2024 | Vol. 12.4 By Glynnis Fawkes When Princeton University Press editor Rob Tempio first suggested a graphic adaptation of Eric Cline’s 1177 BC, I wasn’t sure how it c
The Harsh Life of Diplomatic Messengers in Egypt in the Late Bronze Age
September 2023 | Vol. 11.9 By Mohy-Eldin E. Abo-Eleaz International relations in Egypt during the Late Bronze Age (~1500 BCE – 1200 BCE) depended mainly on diplomatic envoys; the
What Can Mythological Narratives tell us about Mycenaean Long-Distance Trade in the Bronze Age?
February 2023 | Vol. 11.2 By Jörg Mull Locations of Mycenaean Pottery Finds in the Mediterranean basin. Map by Olav Ode. The Late Bronze Age (ca. 1600 to 1150 BCE) was a time of u
How Did the Kings of the Late Bronze Age Deal with Rumors?
january 2023 | Vol. 11.1 By Mohy-Eldin Elnady Abo-Eleaz In the Late Bronze Age, a so-called Club of Great Powers arose and divided the control of the Ancient Near East among themse
Putting the Luwian Culture on the Map
january 2023 | Vol. 11.1 By Eberhard Zangger and Serdal Mutlu Troy stands out in the popular imagination thanks to Homer’s Iliad. However, in archaeological terms Troy may seem
The Fall of the Bronze Age and the Destruction that Wasn’t
December 2022 | Vol. 10.12 By Jesse Millek In any telling of the end of the Late Bronze Age (LBA) in the Eastern Mediterranean, there is one key theme that emerges as an integral c
Mesopotamia Murder Mystery
December 2022 | Vol. 10.12 By Virginia Verardi Note: This report includes data derived from and images of human remains. Archaeology recovers processes in the past, like the evolut
What’s in a Name? Warriors and Warrior Burials in the Near East
MAY 2022 | Vol. 10.5 By Chris Stantis The dead, much like the living, don’t fit easily into convenient labels. In the 1980s, the term “warrior graves” was coined to describe