Processing Geospatial Data in Archaeology: Introducing LuwianSiteAtlas for Bronze Age Western Anatolia
Archaeological field projects generate an immense amount of data. How can we use digital technologies to make complex geospatial data more useful for researchers?
A Virtual Visit to Tel Dan
january 2023 | Vol. 11.1 By Matti Friedman Anyone who’d like to visit the archaeological site of Tel Dan without actually traveling to northern Israel—and who wants to be shown
The Cuneiform Wide Web: From Card Catalogues to Digital Assyriology
october 2022 | Vol. 10.10 By Shai Gordin and Avital Romach Can computers read cuneiform better than experts? The answer, at the moment, is no. But will computers read cuneiform bet
Visualizing Ancient Athens in 3D
March 2021 | Vol. 9.3 By Dimitris Tsalkanis Today Athens is a city of some 3.75 million people, a far cry from antiquity. Ancient Athens 3D is an effort to digitally reconstruct
Saqqara in 3D: A New Look at an Ancient Site
January 2021 | Vol. 9.1 By Elaine Sullivan The Saqqara cemetery, located about 15 kilometers south of the Giza pyramids, is one of Egypt’s most spectacular tourist sites. Modern