Processing Geospatial Data in Archaeology: Introducing LuwianSiteAtlas for Bronze Age Western Anatolia
Archaeological field projects generate an immense amount of data. How can we use digital technologies to make complex geospatial data more useful for researchers?
How Did the Kings of the Late Bronze Age Deal with Rumors?
january 2023 | Vol. 11.1 By Mohy-Eldin Elnady Abo-Eleaz In the Late Bronze Age, a so-called Club of Great Powers arose and divided the control of the Ancient Near East among themse
The Symbolic Representation of the Cosmos in the Hittite Rock Sanctuary of Yazılıkaya
The Hittite sanctuary at Yazılıkaya functioned as a calendar. But the carefully carved galleries of gods and goddesses depicted much more, a representation of the cosmos moving t
A Calendar in Stone: Hittite Yazılıkaya
All cultures have calendars. Some also make stone monuments. Hittites’ stone calendar included depictions of some of their thousands of gods.