When Is It Ok to Recycle a Coffin? The Rules of the Reuse Game in Ancient Egypt
If the benefits of funerary materiality drove ancient Egyptians to reuse coffins, what limitations were set on whose coffins could be reused, where, and when?
The Curious Case of Pyramid Peppermint
Was peppermint actually found in ancient Egyptian pyramids? Retailers of peppermint products like to say so. What’s the truth, and where did this factoid come from?
Osiris Must Die – Understanding the Practice of “Menacing the Gods” in Ancient Egyptian Magic
September 2024 | Vol. 12.9 By Franziska Naether Ancient Egyptian magical texts offer a rich repository of spells and incantations designed to manipulate divine forces for diverse p
Crucial Labor: The Overlooked Contributions of Women in Western Egyptology
July 2024 | Vol. 12.7 By Kathleen Sheppard Women did much of the work that Western Egyptology has depended on for centuries. Often, the history of Western Egyptology foregrounds th
Ancient Near Eastern Rulers and their Delegations in 18th Dynasty Egyptian Tombs
June 2024 | Vol. 12.6 By Mohy-Eldin E. Abo-Eleaz The victories of Pharaohs in their northern campaigns during the first half of the 18th Dynasty earned Egypt’s rulers entrance in
Understanding Trade and Power in Early Egypt: A Geopolitical Approach
March 2024 | Vol. 12.3 By Juan Carlos Moreno García In recent years, several studies have revealed the complex networks of exchanges and circulation of peoples, goods, ideas, and
Cleopatra’s Languages
February 2024 | Vol. 12.2 By Rolf Strootman In Antiquity, Cleopatra VII, the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty (ruled 51–30 BCE), was renowned for both her beauty and her intel
Moses in Josephus’ Antiquities: Between Jewish and Greek Traditions
November 2023 | Vol. 11.11 By Ursula Westwood In the Greek and Latin literature of the Roman Empire, Moses occasionally turns up as a wise but sacrilegious Egyptian priest (Strabo)
Exploring the Book of the Dead through the Getty Collection
November 2023 | Vol. 11.11 By Sara E. Cole “Book of the Dead” is a modern term to describe a series of ancient Egyptian ritual spells (instructions and incantations). These hel
Gender in the Ancient Near East and Egypt
November 2023 | Vol. 11.11 By Stephanie Budin Sex and gender have become central topics of discussion and scholarship in a wide variety of fields, ever since second-wave feminism e