Cultural Heritage and Human Rights in Ukraine
March 2022 | Vol. 10.3 By Andrew Overman The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a tragedy of unspeakable proportions. The human toll and the cruel inhumanity displayed before the eyes
Isaiah – Prophet, Book, and Message
march 2022 | Vol. 10.3 By Andrew T. Abernethy In my office hangs an etching of “Isaiah” by Irvin Amen. Why would a Jewish artist want to etch a prophet from 2800 years ago? Why
The Art of Conservative Rebellion: A Short Introduction to the First Sealand Dynasty
Until recently, almost nothing was known of the “kings of Urukug” – better known as the Sealand. New tablets and excavations are now revealing this small southern Babylonian
Monotheism or Monopoly? Akhenaten and His Religious-Political Reform
Few ancient personalities excite as much interest as Akhenaten. Was he an enlightened religious leader and an idealistic politician, or was he mentally ill and physically frail?
Sheshonq (Shishak) in Palestine: Old Paradigms and New Vistas
April 2021 | Vol. 9.4 By Felix Höflmayer and Roman Gundacker Pharaoh Sheshonq I (c. 943-923 BCE) is traditionally viewed as the founder of the 22nd Dynasty, which, due to the king
Reading Inscriptions Alongside the New Testament
April 2021 | Vol. 9.4 By D. Clint Burnett Inscriptions, messages engraved on durable materials, play an important but underappreciated role in our earliest Christian documents, inc
Commemorating Jesus: Constantine’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre
March 2021 | Vol. 9.3 By Jordan J. Ryan Since antiquity, Christians have travelled to the region that they call the “Holy Land” in order to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and
The (Historical) Origin of God
March 2021 | Vol. 9.3 By Theodore J. Lewis When a historian of Israelite religion talks of the origin of God, she certainly doesn’t mean ontology. Proofs for the existence of God