Putting Carthaginian Stelae Back Into Context: The ASOR Punic Project Digital Initiative
The investigation of Punic stelae from Carthage has a long and storied history. Through computer modelling and collation of legacy archival data, the ASOR Punic Project will provid
Cyprus and Ugarit: A Tale of Two Late Bronze Age Mercantile Polities
Cyprus and Ugarit were two very different societies but in the Late Bronze Age, they shared a vital maritime and mercantile link that had a transformative impact on Cyprus.
When Is It Ok to Recycle a Coffin? The Rules of the Reuse Game in Ancient Egypt
If the benefits of funerary materiality drove ancient Egyptians to reuse coffins, what limitations were set on whose coffins could be reused, where, and when?
“Lift the mountain on your hands,” or How to Cross a Netherworld Border
West Asian texts depict the netherworld as a land which is bounded, keeping outsiders from entering and inhabitants from leaving. Yet, borders are seldom entirely unable to be cros
Processing Geospatial Data in Archaeology: Introducing LuwianSiteAtlas for Bronze Age Western Anatolia
Archaeological field projects generate an immense amount of data. How can we use digital technologies to make complex geospatial data more useful for researchers?
Inventing Writing in South-west Asia
The shift from symbols to writing represents a major advancement in human cognitive technology. What role did Mesopotamian seal imagery play?
Ten Fascinating Discoveries in Near Eastern and Mediterranean Archaeology in 2024
Legend says that the Colossus of Rhodes fell to ruins not long after its construction. Ancient texts and geological evidence suggest a more complex history.
An Alternative Timeline for the Colossus of Rhodes
Legend says that the Colossus of Rhodes fell to ruins not long after its construction. Ancient texts and geological evidence suggest a more complex history.
Ancient Thrace Comes to the Getty Villa Museum
Was peppermint actually found in ancient Egyptian pyramids? Retailers of peppermint products like to say so. What’s the truth, and where did this factoid come from?
Samsi, “Queen of the Arabs”, and Her Fight Against Assyria
Was peppermint actually found in ancient Egyptian pyramids? Retailers of peppermint products like to say so. What’s the truth, and where did this factoid come from?