Violence of Gender and Gender of Violence in Ancient Egypt
February 2022 | Vol. 10.2 By Uroš Matić Violence and gender were closely related in ancient Egypt, just as they have been in other past and contemporary societies. Gender systems
The Medico-Magical Squill
January 2022 | Vol. 10.1 By Maddalena Rumor Penetrating the deepest meaning of a word allows our brain not only to make sense of the idea it conveys, but also to disentangle relate
Visions from the Middle Territory: The Books of Haggai and Zechariah in their Persian Context
January 2022 | Vol. 10.1 By Robert L. Foster When we think of prophets and empires in the Hebrew Bible, we likely think of First Isaiah’s message in the light of the Assyrian Emp
On the Potential of Deep-Submergence Archaeology
January 2022 | Vol. 10.1 By Shelley Wachsmann You are broken by the seas in the depths of the waters. Ezekial 27:34 Ezekiel had it right. Ships do sink in deep water. Common wisdom
The Exceptional Career of a Mesopotamian Ruler without a Crown: Kudur-Mabuk and the Kingship of Larsa
January 2022 | Vol. 10.1 By Baptiste Fiette Where did Mesopotamian kings come from? In the second third of the 19th century BCE, the kingdom of Larsa in southern Mesopotamia went t
Wine Production in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
Winemaking is an ancient practice in the Levant. But when the Franks arrived during the Crusades they brought their own techniques.
Ancient Egyptian Texts for the Afterlife?
Ancient Egyptian funerary texts have been a source of fascination since their discovery. But do these texts describe a coherent vision of an afterlife, or is that a 19th century ac
A Half a Century of Studying Biblical Coins
Why revise a book on coins for fifty years and six editions? For one thing there are more data than ever. For another, old questions with big implications keep sticking around, lik
The Shavei Zion Figurine Assemblage. A Cultic Site at Sea
An underwater discovery off the coast of Israel revealed terracotta figurines. But there was no shipwreck and the finds dated across hundreds of years of the Iron Age. Was this an
Data Science and the Bible: Rediscovering the History of the Christian Bible in Ethiopia
Ethiopia was one of the first Christian societies to translate the Bible into a local language. Thanks to data science, the patterns of transmission are now coming into better focu