A Half a Century of Studying Biblical Coins
Why revise a book on coins for fifty years and six editions? For one thing there are more data than ever. For another, old questions with big implications keep sticking around, lik
The Ancient Salt Industry on the Mediterranean Coast of Israel
The Exodus from Egypt was a foundational event for the Israelites. But where exactly did they cross the ‘Red Sea’? Scholars have debated this question for centuries, as have ma
Housewives, Weavers and Businesswomen: Assyrian Women from Assur and Kanesh
In the 19th century BCE men from Assur traveled a thousand kilometers to the northwest to conduct trade. But archives show that their wives kept the households together and were ke
Eggstraordinary Objects
February 2021 | Vol. 9.2 By Tamar Hodos In the interconnected world of the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Egyptians, ostrich eggs were coveted by elites across the Med
Fish Sauces – The Food that Made Rome Great
January 2021 | Vol. 9.1 By Benedict Lowe Recent research has done much to stress the importance of fish in the ancient Roman diet. But there were many ways to consume fish. The mos